If you want to know how your platform is doing, you need to crunch the numbers. The question is – are you looking at the right numbers? When it comes to claims, there are a lot of KPIs that you can consider: frequency, severity, average cost per claim, average time to settlement … the list goes on and on. You can get so caught up in the data that you forget to focus on the ultimate KPI, the one number that really matters. That number is your retention rate.
According to Harvard Business Review, studies show that acquiring a new customer might be anywhere from five to 25 times more costly that retaining a current customer. Once you spend all the resources needed to attract a new owner or user, you don’t want to lose them to a bad experience.
To boost retention, you’re probably already focused on the owner and user journeys. You may have audited your touchpoints to ensure that it’s fast and easy for an owner to add an asset to your platform. You’ve probably also invested a lot of time and money into making the user experience as seamless as possible. After all, convenience is the reason owners and users choose your service.
However, if the process is difficult or less-than-perfect in any way, your owners and users will try out competing platforms – and they may never come back – which, of course, is a waste of all the time and customer acquisition dollars you’ve invested.
What many sharing platforms may overlook when auditing their customer journeys is the claims experience. The claims experience is often referred to as the moment of truth – and in the insurance industry, it’s recognized as the moment of churn.
Let’s face it: You’re engaging people when they are stressed. The claim team’s response usually results in one of two things: 1. A raving fan or 2. A blown opportunity.
Unfortunately, claims happen. Someone gets into a fender bender while renting, or accidentally starts a small kitchen fire in RV they’re borrowing.
If you offer a fast, easy and empathetic claims experience, your owners and users are more likely to come back. They might tell their friends, too. This can create momentum that helps your business grow.
On the other hand, when insureds are not happy with the claims response, they might not give your platform a second chance. According to PwC, 32% of customers say they would stop doing business with a brand they loved after a SINGLE bad experience. There are no do-overs.
According to McKinsey & Company, five key factors drive claimant satisfaction:
These wishes seem reasonable and easy enough, but here’s the tricky part: Claims are not usually managed by your own team members.
The claims handler assigned to your customers may or may not be committed to creating raving fans. In fact, in many instances, claims handlers are just getting through the day and checking the boxes on an overwhelming caseload. The file handler may be responsible for 125 claims, or even 200 claims, and speaking with customers from 10 different companies on any given day. There’s also a good chance that the file handler has no familiarity with the type of asset involved in the claim.
Can you imagine the potential issues?
If you want the claims journey to be an extension of the ideal customer journeys you have planned, you’ve got to choose your claims partner wisely. In the sharing platform space, there is no better partner than DigiSure.
If you’re committed to facilitating an exemplary customer journey, it’s time to focus on one KPI that really matters – your retention rate – and it’s time to take a closer look at how claims can make a difference.
Want to learn more about how DigiSure can help your sharing platform retain more customers?